Burnout Prevention
Burn bright, not out.

Burnout is defined as physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion, accompanied by decreased motivation, lowered performance, and negative attitudes towards oneself and others. Burnout in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia is rising to alarming levels. According to the latest findings from AXA's Study of Mind Health and Wellbeing 2024:
of Hong Kong's workforce reported suffering from burnout.
take sick leave due to mental health reasons.
plan to work from home to avoid engaging with colleagues.
are already planning to leave their jobs.
In Singapore, a report by TELUS Health highlights similar findings - 47% of workers in Singapore feel mentally or physically exhausted by their work.
At URecover, we offer tailored solutions to address burnout. Recognising that the causes of burnout vary for each person, we adopt a personalised, human-centric approach. Through one-to-one assessments, we identify the root causes of burnout and collaborate with leaders to implement workplace supports. Individualised Care Plans are then developed to restore the person's well-being and performance.
Furthermore, we specialise in early intervention to prevent burnout proactively. By equipping your Human Resources, Health & Safety, and leaders with the ability to recognise early warning signs of burnout, we provide them with preventive processes to stop burnout before it escalates.
Contact us now to transition your organisation to an early intervention approach to burnout.
Mental Health Early Intervention & Workplace Supports
There is no health without mental health.

The World Health Organisation defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.” In Hong Kong and Southeast Asia mental health remains largely misunderstood and is not given equal emphasis (both in prevention and treatment) compared to physical illness.
An estimated 1 in 7 people in Hong Kong will experience a common mental health condition at any given time. Many will continue to suffer in isolation due to stigma, feelings of shame, and lack of awareness about their condition. Across Southeast Asia, bout 260 million people – about one in seven – live with a mental health condition, and many of them are not receiving timely treatment (World Health Organisation).
URecover offers tailored solutions for organisations seeking to support individuals experiencing mental health issues, whether work-related or not. Our human-centric approach involves personalised one-on-one assessments to identify workplace support needs, treatment needs, and the development of individualised Care Plans. This promotes recovery at work and restores the person's well-being and performance.
Furthermore, we specialise in early intervention to proactively prevent serious mental health conditions. By equipping your Human Resources, Health & Safety, and leaders with the ability to recognise early warning signs of mental health symptoms and conditions, we provide them with preventive processes that enable a person to quickly stabilise and improve their mental well-being.
Contact us now to transition your organisation to an early intervention approach to support mental health.
Physical Injuries Early Intervention & Workplace Supports
Prevention is better than cure.

When an employee sustains a physical injury at work, organisations often lose the ability to effectively support their employees. Third-party providers often assume control with little or no consideration for facilitating an early recovery at work.
This is where URecover can provide solutions. We empower organisations to take internal control of their employees' recovery from injuries. Our services facilitate engagement in your company's return-to-work process, fostering a safe and supportive environment for recovery at work. Services include assessments of physical capacity, consultation with treating practitioners, identification of suitable duties, return-to-work planning, and the development of supportive return-to-work plans.
Moreover, we understand that the most effective approach to averting severe injuries is by preventing them from occurring in the first place. URecover specialises in early intervention, equipping your leaders with the skills to recognise early indicators of potential injuries and offering preventive processes to support your people.
Contact us now to transition your organisation to an early intervention approach for injuries and health conditions.
Return to Work Planning & Strategies
Return to work, return to life.

Do you have employees who have been on extended sick leave or prolonged time off work, such as maternity leave? Often, organisations receive limited guidance on effectively supporting a safe and successful return to work for individuals who have been on extended leave.
This is where URecover can provide solutions. A return-to-work planning meeting can equip your Human Resources, Safety teams, and leaders with the necessary details to organise a safe and supportive return-to-work strategy for your employees. Such a meeting can establish working hours, gradual schedules, necessary flexibilities, required supports or restrictions, suitable duties, consultations with healthcare providers, and the development of supportive return-to-work plans. Contact us now to transition your organisation to an early intervention approach, including the utilisation of return-to-work planning meetings.
Contact us now to transition your organisation to an early intervention approach, including the utilisation of return-to-work planning meetings.
Ergonomic Assessments
When jobs are designed to match the capabilities of people, it results in better work being done and a better experience for the person doing it.

Good ergonomic practices are essential to ensuring employees are safe and productive at work. Employees adopting poor ergonomic work practices or being positioned at poorly designed workstations can significantly contribute to the development of preventable musculoskeletal disorders.
An ergonomic assessment involves evaluating a worker at their workstation to ensure correct working postures and workstation setup. A thorough ergonomic assessment aims to reduce a worker’s exposure to physical hazards such as uncomfortable postures, repetitive tasks, and body strain.
This is where URecover can provide solutions. A URecover Occupational Therapist can conduct an on-site Ergonomic Assessment with your employee to maximise their comfort and productivity.
We also offer brief ergonomic assessments where an Occupational Therapist assesses and makes recommendations for each person on an entire building floor. Everyone receives a 10-minute assessment, including adjustments and well-being advice to support productivity.
Contact us now to transition your organisation to an early intervention approach, including the utilisation of Ergonomic Assessments.
Functional Capacity Evaluations
Capacity provides the foundation to return to work.

In cases where an employee sustains an injury or experiences a physical health condition, a significant challenge often arises in determining the individual's safe functional capacity for work. Functional capacity relates to the person's abilities, outlining tasks they can safely undertake, such as sitting, standing, and reaching, as well as activities requiring limitations and conditions, like bending, lifting, and twisting.
This is where URecover can provide solutions. A URecover Occupational Therapist can conduct an on-site Functional Capacity Evaluation with your employee. This evaluation includes an assessment of the current condition, recovery progress, range of motion, manual handling abilities, and the ability to sustain work postures. Following the assessment, the Occupational Therapist can collaborate with treating practitioners to determine and agree on the employee's safe work capacity. A concise report detailing the findings, along with recommendations on functional capacity, workplace limitations, and necessary support, is then provided. A functional capacity evaluation may also be used as part of an early intervention process to prevent serious injuries, lost time injuries, and expensive compensation claims.
Contact us now to transition your organisation to an early intervention approach, including the utilisation of Functional Capacity Evaluations.
Inherent Requirement of Job Assessments
Make high-quality and informed decisions about your people's health and safety.

Companies often encounter the challenge of determining whether a person can safely perform a role following injury or illness and when assessing new hires. Without a thorough evaluation of the physical and cognitive demands of a position, making accurate decisions becomes difficult.
The inherent requirements of a job encompass the fundamental activities and core responsibilities necessary to fulfil a job's purpose. This involves identifying crucial duties within a role, including physical tasks, cognitive demands, productivity expectations, environmental factors, and required qualifications.
This is where URecover can provide solutions. An Occupational Therapist from URecover can conduct an on-site assessment of the inherent requirements of a job, producing a comprehensive document that serves various purposes related to ensuring employee safety.
Contact us now to transition your organisation to an early intervention approach, including the utilisation of Inherent Requirement of Job Assessments.
Health and Wellbeing Workshops
Unlock your people's wellbeing potential.

URecover is dedicated to early intervention for mental health and burnout, and as a result, our workshops revolve around this concept. One of the significant challenges with health and wellness workshops is the vast array of topics available, not all of which may resonate with every employee. This is why URecover's workshops concentrate on educating participants about early intervention, holistic well-being, and emphasising how well-being enhances performance.
Our workshops are interactive, engaging, and inclusive, allowing your team to delve into well-being in a supportive environment where they can learn from both the facilitator and each other. We aim to introduce your team to well-being topics that break stigmas and equip them with the knowledge, skills, and tools to thrive while also supporting the wellbeing of their colleagues.
Our workshop portfolio covers various topics, and URecover can customise or develop new workshops based on specific requests.
Mental health early intervention (for employees or leaders)
Burnout early intervention (for employees or leaders)
Holistic Wellbeing – discover the wellbeing that is important to you
Well-being as a leadership skill
Get in touch to transition your organisation to an early intervention approach and enhance the well-being skills of your leaders and employees..
Wellbeing Strategy Design and Consultancy
Strategy is about deliberately choosing to be different.

Wellbeing at work is more than just a fad. It’s a crucial factor that influences all aspects of your organisation, from fostering healthy, engaged, thriving and productive employees to improving retention, recruitment, and overall company culture. A positive environment that prioritises health and well-being not only attracts and retains top talent but also boosts productivity, reduces absenteeism, and enhances job satisfaction.
URecover, with 20 years of experience, specialises in designing impactful health and well-being strategies that empower your workforce and deliver significant value of investment and positive return on investment. We address the challenge many organizations face in lacking a structured well-being framework by collaborating with and enhancing your team to create a human-centric framework tailored to your employees' needs.
Additionally, URecover provides expertise in well-being consultancy, offering support in various domains:
Implementation of digital well-being apps and wearable devices
Effective well-being communications
Involvement of senior leaders in endorsing and supporting your well-being initiatives
Conducting return on investment / value of assessments for well-being programs
Cultivating well-being as a leadership competency
Selecting well-being vendors and aligning with top industry providers
Contact URecover for comprehensive support in developing and optimizing your organization's well-being strategies.